हंस आयुर्वेद एंव पंचकर्म केंद्र

Welcome to the Hans Ayurved & Panchakarma Kendra where healing of the mind and body is ultimate pathy. Hans Ayurved and Panchkarma Kendra Founded by Dr Prashant Rathee and Dr Savita Rathee.

Dr Savita Rathee is an expert Ayurvedacharya and Dr. Prashant Rathee is an Ayurved Vachaspati and has completed MD from National Institute of Ayurveda i.e. NIA , Jaipur. It is one of the finest Ayurvedic Institute of India. Both have vast experiene of more than a decade of practicing Ayurveda.

Hans Ayurved is situated in Bahadurgarh and treat the patients with ayurvedic treatments like panchkarma , Agnikarm etc The aim of our Kendra is to provide complete healing with ayurved and also to keep the torch of this great Shastra burning all over the world.

Special Consultancy for Garbhdhan Sanskar, Dincharya and Ritucharya.

Hans Ayurved and Panchakarma Kendra
Hans Ayurved and Panchakarma Kendra
@2021 Hans Ayurved avum Panchakarma Kendra. All Rights Reserved.
Designed & Developed By Hans Ayurved avum Panchakarma Kendra